Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Training day. 92 & 93 - 5 miles & 2.5 miles

Well i have started back and i am back to week one of my training program. I managed 5 miles without any drama. I even took mu son out for the first 2.5 miles. Im not doing any hills or anything which can overly stress my holip or groin as its still nowhere near 100% yet. Im just hoping that if i can keep doing steady runs i can get enough done that i will be able to complete the marathon. Hopefully this will work out and come marathon time i will jave done enough and i will get round but i think the under 4 hour dream is definately gone

Last night was a 2.5 mile run and i was quite stiff and sore. Its amazing considering the amount of training i have been doing that that should be the case. I dont want to push it too hard so thats why i did shorter mileage. Im off out again today and will do 5 miles again. As i said im still feeling the hip and groin so it will be nice and easy

Training day 91 - 15 miles

This training day was actually 11 days ago and it was a complete disaster. 8 miles into the run my groin gave in and i had to be picked up as even walking was difficult. It has been a real set back and i havent trained for 9 days. No running at all. So along with my last injury which was a 5 day rest up ive lost the best part of 3 weeks training

I have started back again now but no hills. No fast pace. Just do training and hope that i can get through the next 12 weeks and i can get the marathon completed

Friday, 17 February 2012

Training day 89 & 90 - 5k and 8 mile run

Day 89 was a 5K run it was supposed to be 5 miles but i had a busy day and only had time to get to the ym not outside so i thought i would do 5 miles on the running machine. Thing was i decided to do it fast. A bit too fast and completely burned myself out so only 5k was covered

Day 90 was today and it was an 8 miler which went pretty well. I kept to a nice steady pace that felt comfortable and came in at 72 mins (this run has a 1:13 gradient hill in it) so i thought that was pretty good although i would have liked to have gone a little quicker. I was beginning to feel my hip flexor at the end so thats a worry with a 15 miler to come tomorrow. I will alter my route a little so im not putting as much pressure on it do its fingers crossed time

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Training day 88 - threshold runs

Today was threshold runs. 5 x 3 mins at threshold pace with 60secs jogged recovery between efforts. I didnt make rhe same mistake i made last time i did these which was just to run as fast as i could and ended up only doing 1 min cause i was knackered. This time i ran at a sensibly quick pace that i could sustain for the 3 mins. It was a good workout and i was pretty tired at the end. Still no real pain from the hip flexor but i was in the gym after the run and could feel a twinge but i thing that was just from the strain so hopefully it will be ok tomorrow

I am hoping that when i do the 15 miles again on saturday (big night out on saturday so sunday is a defo rest day!) that actually not being completely exhausted from early shift will mean that i am able to handle the 15 miles without any drama or injuries!!

Monday, 13 February 2012

Training day 87 - 10K

After the 5 day layoff i have been particularly inspired the last 2 days. Yesterday was a fast 2.7miles and today i went out to do a fast 10k. I set muself a time of beating 51 mins and came up just short finishing in 51.30 which was still pretty good. I really pushed it over the first 5 miles and had burst myself over the last mile. What i did manage was to burst the 50 min barrier for the 6 miles which over this hilly 10k i was really pleased with. I am now only 1min 30secs away from breakin 50 mins for this 10k. Hopefully i am now on course again. The hipflexor is ok. A little tender but ok

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Training day 86 - 2.5 miles

I had to take a 5 day layoff this week because my right hip flexor really was sore. I had hoped to go out yesterday but i thought i wise that i give it an extra day. Today i was gonna go for a 5 mile run but i decided just to go once round my small route and do it quickly. I managed that and covered the last me or so at almost a sustained run. Felt pretty good at the end too. Not too much discomfort from the hip flexor either. Tomorrow i will try to go for a 10k. What the lay off does mean is that im repeating week 5 of my schedule so i have fallen behind where i want to be but hopefully no more injuries!!

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Training day 85 - 15 miles

Out for a 15 mile run and it was a sore one. Up to 10 miles i was feelin pretty good but after 11 it was a struggle and i really had to grind out the last 4 miles. I am going to put it down to the 2 runs on the treadmill. Another down side is that i am injured again. My right hip flexor has been really sore since so i have now stayed off it for 2 days. Hopefully i will be able to get out tomorrow. If it runs into a 4 th day i will repeat week 5 of my schedule

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Training day 84 - 10K

Weather was pretty bad again yesterday so the decision was made to run on the running machine. Again i decided to crank up the pace due to this and completed the run in 46mins 53secs which i was pretty please with even if it was a treadmill. I have been suffering today though. Really. Running on treadmills is just not good for you. Legs, ankles etc all stiff and sore.

On a slightly different note i have been earing like a horse lately. All good stuff no rubbish and mOstly little and often. I have had some chocolate and a muffin today but you cant be good all the time. Have benefited from a wee rest today as i hve been really tired and im up for the challenge of 15 miles tomorrow weather permitting

Friday, 3 February 2012

Training Day 83 - 8 miles

Remember i said i was struggling with motivation just now. Well good grief it was hard going today. My legs were like lead weights and a a good couple of times i felt like stopping. There also seems to be a wee glitch wth my Nike app. Last time i did this run it said it was 7.25 mes. Today it was just a shade over 8 miles. I knew it was 8 miles. It must not have picked up the gps signal straight away. That has happened once before

Anyway. As i was saying my legs were like lead and i was actually beaten by the huge hill back toward my house. First time ever ive been beaten. I was keeping quite a good pace prior to that too. Lets hope things pick up tomorrow as its the same run im doing and then i get a rest day on sunday which i think im badly in need of to be honest

Training day 82 - 5 mile run

Yesterday was just to cold so the frost hadnt lifted from the ground and no way am i taking a chance on picking up an injury by slipping so i ended up doing 5 miles on yhe running machine. I decided to do it at a fairly quick pace and building it up throughout the run until at the end of it i was running at 4.15/K pace which is quite quick for me. What it meant was that i completed the 5 miles in 37 mins. I know it was on a running machine but not too long ago i could not have done that so its a good marker

I am going through a bit of a low point again. You sould think that having made a few breakthroughs recently and having done 14 miles last week that i would be raring to get out there but no. Im having to force myself to get out there. Its not as frosty today so no excuse not to go out and i will go out and do the 7.25 mile route today instead of the 5 my schedule says to make up for yesterdays running machine but it is an effort. I just think its because i have picked up another cold!!! What is going on. I think this is number 4 since the winter came on. Inalso think its because the milage is starting to go up. By that i mean im beginning to leave the 5 miles behind and am stepping up to 7 and 8 for each individual run so im out longer each time and with working shifts its gonna start getting harder. Monday is a 15 mile run!!

The last time i trained for this i was in a constant day shift position so it was easier and i wasnt doing the shift thing hich really takes it out of you. Especially 10 hr day shifts. Anyway lets hope the weather gets better and i get over this cold soon

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Training day 81 - 4 miles fartlek

4 miles with 12 x 1 min efforts during the 4 miles. Not just efforts but 1 minute at a pace as fast as i could manage to the point where i was almost at a standstill at the end of each one but i managed to keep going after them. I didnt bother to time myself just made sure i completed it

No big traumas today. Just a day with a bit of effort