Friday, 17 February 2012

Training day 89 & 90 - 5k and 8 mile run

Day 89 was a 5K run it was supposed to be 5 miles but i had a busy day and only had time to get to the ym not outside so i thought i would do 5 miles on the running machine. Thing was i decided to do it fast. A bit too fast and completely burned myself out so only 5k was covered

Day 90 was today and it was an 8 miler which went pretty well. I kept to a nice steady pace that felt comfortable and came in at 72 mins (this run has a 1:13 gradient hill in it) so i thought that was pretty good although i would have liked to have gone a little quicker. I was beginning to feel my hip flexor at the end so thats a worry with a 15 miler to come tomorrow. I will alter my route a little so im not putting as much pressure on it do its fingers crossed time

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