Saturday, 14 January 2012

Training day 70 - 6.7 miles

Its amazing what een a semi decent sleep can do for your body. After sleeping or not sleeping as the case was in a strange bed all week i was back in mine last night and todays run was a million times better. The foot was not too bad and i managed to keep up a reasonably good pace and felt pretty good at the end. In fact the last 2 to 2.5 miles felt really good. I never really had any dinner today either. My stomache has been bothering me all week too so i only has a couple of salad sandwiches for dinner so the run was all the more surprising

Please remember to follow the above link(cut and paste it into the address bar) and sponsor me for the run ahead. I will probably be putting this on every post from now to the big day (May 27th) so get used to it!!!

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