Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Training day 76 - 10k

My schedule said that today was an 'easy 5 miles'. I dont have a handy 5 mile route other than going round my short 2.7 mile route twice so i just did my hilly 10k route. To make things interesting i decided to set myself a time limit of 52mins to comPlete it. I had a problem straight from the off in that the wind was pretty gusty and seemed mostly to be in my face. To achieve my goal i had to keep an average pace of 8.20 or there abouts. I was going along fine but when it came to the long up hil between miles 2 & 4 thats when the wind was right in my face and at my 4 mile time check i was way. Ehind schedule at 8.42 pace!!

Over the next 2.25 miles i really tried to push it and finished in 52.24. Just missing out but had really upped my pace and even did a new PB for a mile during a run of 7.15!! So not all was lost. I reckon without the wind i might have beat 51mins. My ultimate goal id to break 50 mins for my hilly 10k which would be a real achievement considering going by my Nike app my quickest 10k so far is 50.02 which was on the flat!!

What is encouraging too is no aches or pains!!

Did i mention im also running in new shoes now. I could feel the life had gone out of the other ones so a pair of Nike Dart 2 being used now and are feeling much better. Its a pair i got on holiday specifically to use when the other ones wore out. I have a pair og Asics Gel Asperus on the way which will take over from the Nikes. The reviewed quite well when i checked them out so we will se what happens with them

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