Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Day 20 - 5.6 miles Fartlek

Distance ran in training - 89.6 miles
Distance ran this week - 17.3 miles

A hard one today. Firstly, it was blowing a gale. Second, i was completely shattered and third, my legs were still stiff from the running machine. I was supposed to go out for a run yesterday but having come off the nightshift i was shattered. I know i have said before thats its just mental tiredness but i just could not keep my eyes open. I do feel guilty but not much. Lol

Anyway to make up for it i promised myself i would go out today and as a punishment the weather gods decided i had to run in a gale!! I also decided it was time i did a fartlek run so i did 5.6 miles which was 4 times round a little circuit i have doing a 20/25 second sprint twice per circuit. Doesnt sound to hard but at the risk of sOunding like a broken record it does knock lumps out of you. Still i did it and managed to average 5.08mins per kilometer. With tomorrow n thursday to go this week looks like quite a big milage week.

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