Sunday, 28 August 2011

Day 15 - 3 x 1 mile runs

Distance run in training - 60.65

Distance this week - 9.40

Today was a hard day. I hate doing short fast runs. I would much rather run far at a nice steady pace. Anyway I did the runs 3 x 1 mile runs at a fast sustained pace. I would have been pleased averaging 7 mins per mile for each one but I did slightly better than that

Mile 1 - 5.56mins!!
Mile 2 - 5.59mins!!
Mile 3 - 6.07mins!!

Half mile warm up and half mile warm down with a 4 min rest between each mile run. Like I said on yesterdays blog, these are designed to increase stamina and increase the muscles resistance to lactic build up and they break up the long runs. Although I'm not doin the big milage per week yet I am building up very nicely.

Tomorrow and Tuesday real life will get in the way again and I wont manage to get a run done although I will get to the gym each day. In fact come to think of it Friday was the first day in I dont remember when when I have actually not either been in the gym or done a run!!

I will get back to running Wed, Thur n Fri so if I get 5 milers done each of those days that will mean about 24 miles this wek which is still a steady build up and if I do say so myself I am coming along nicely. Hopefully my goal of breaking 4 hours for the marathon will be well within my reach.

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