Monday, 8 August 2011

Day 3

Well, after a rest day yesterday, but not really cause i am still sticking to my gym routine, it was back to the running today.

A not great sleep, jackie has the loudest mobile phone in the world and it insists on announcing that it has received an e-mail at 0630!!!  which it has done for the last 5 feckin days!!

Anyway, eventually up at 1030, some breakfast consisting of 2 slices of toast n 2 cups of coffee, a true athletes brekkie I'm sure you will agree!. Had to wait for Jackie coming in from work before I could get out so 3pm before I got out there.

Today is pretty windy which I always hate running in so that was a test of my resolve right there. I stuck to the 3.92 mls that I've done the last twice but decided to Fartlek, thats fartlek, it. For those that dont know what that is its basically interval training. Whilst going round the route I stuck in 5 x 20 second sprints. Doesn't sound much but if you haven't done it before just try it before makin your mind up. Been a while since I did that during a run. When you are really on top of it after the sprint you can continue straight back to the pace you were running at, however when you are just building up your pace tends to drop after the sprint til you recover n your pace picks up. Its really good for stamina building.

Anyway the 3.92mls were covered in 31.07 which was slightly faster than Saturday which I was really please with. Meant I managed to keep my pace going throughout and not drop too dramatically after each sprint phase, so all good. Tomorrow will be a normal run, still over the same distance, then my intention is to do 6 x 40 sec hill sprints on Wednesday to break up the running a bit and again is another good stamina builder.

After the run today I had a nice big plate of ravioli, for the carbs, also low in fat n a nice slice of seeded batch loaf, but just the one, so no more bread for me today.

Things seem to be ticking over nicely just now, no niggles or pains so far. Now I'm off to take Megan to her swimming lessons and to have a dip myself.


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