Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Day 9 - 3.92mls Fartlek

Miles run so far in training 32.6mls roughly, not counting the hill sprints

Milage covered this week so far, 17mls approx. my week being friday to friday

Today was a bugger. Night shift at the moment, so got home and got to bed about 3.30am. Woken up at 7.30am as its my sons first day of High School. Back to bed 10 mins later and took a wee while to get back to sleep. Woke back up at 12.40pm.

It was raining before I went out so after a breakfast of a banana sandwich, I decided to put a rain jacket on and boy, was that a mistake. The rain had stopped and it was not too cold so I was burning up half way round!! Threw in 3 sprints up smallish hills as I was going round but it was a real struggle to keep myself going, had a few moments where I really felt I was going to stop but kept myself going n got back in 31.05 which I think is 2 secs faster than the last Fartlek I did, which considering how bad I felt was ok.

I've got the gym later, heavy chest day and I dont see me being woken for anything tomorrow so hopefully with a better sleep I'll feel a bit better and maybe the time will improve. Tomorrow is my last 3.92mls. Friday is hill sprints. Friday night I'm having a drink with family n friends so Saturday and maybe even Sunday will be rest days!!! then its on to 5.25mls. This drink will be my last before going on holiday so 5 weeks dry so should work off all those empty calories by then!!!

With tomorrow being my last 3.92mls that will be about 21mls done this week which is a nice build up. So with moving up to 5.25 mls the weekly milage will really start to build up.

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